Monday, November 5, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

I intended to post something today about marriage and divorce, but I had to share this.

The passage is taken from the book Christ's Object Lessons by Ellen G. White. I obviously have an app that gives me access to all her writings. I just finished reading The Desire of Ages (...again), and since I was engrossed in reading what she wrote about the life of Christ, I thought I might as well go ahead and read what she wrote about the teachings of Christ. This isn't the first time that I've read this book, but I don't remember reading this.

This, for me, is one of those moments in my walk with God where He's talking, and I'm quietly listening. It's a long journey, and we've been walking for a long time and over a great distance. I've done lots of talking, and so has He. I've been very animated and excited at times. I am sure that I have often made Him smile, or maybe even laugh at times. I know there have been times when He's made me laugh. But at this moment the conversation just got real solemn. We're walking, He's talking, I'm listening. Mouth closed. Head down. Hands in pockets. Kicking a rock as I go, so that I have something to distract me even the least bit from the heart-seeking missiles of His words.

It just got real. I got it though...I think. If I could encapsulate the vast expanse of ideas in three simple points then they would probably be somewhere along these lines.

God requires:
1. That I would love people...because He loves them too.
2. That I never pursue or preserve reputation; rather integrity and divine purpose.
3. That I trust Him.

I stop for a minute because I want to speak, but in this moment, it's probably best not to. He's looking at me the entire time. I just keep my head down. I glance at Him, but I stare at the rock again. I need this rock. The rock helps me focus. Then I look up at the path ahead...we got a long way to go. Then I turn around and look...and truth is...we've really come a long way already. I'm cool though, because He's right here with me.

I sit down on a log and take some notes, because I wanna remember what He said. He says He'll remind me, but I take the notes anyhow.

I'm going to read this chapter again soon.

I get back up, and we continue our journey.

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